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There is no one “right way” to give birth. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your birthing day. Our childbirth education workshops are packed with tools and information, beyond what you might get in a standard hospital course. We delve deeper into the birthing process, highlighting the empowering perspective of how your body was designed to give birth. We also shed more light on various birthing options, natural coping strategies, and possible medical interventions. Utilizing this knowledge, you can formulate a “birthing concept” to help you create an open dialog with our medical providers, and ensure that you are all on the same page. And it’s not just for the birthing person! This interactive workshop will help your partner build their labor and delivery support toolbox, full of coping measures, yoga poses, acupressure points, breathing techniques and more. 


~ Two Options ~

Full spectrum childbirth education workshop:   $275
6 hour interactive zoom course
(broken into 3 days, 2 hours each day)

We will go over everything! Recommended at 25+ weeks for first time parents, or parents who haven’t birthed in the past 3 years

2023 Dates:
email for upcoming dates


Childbirth education refresher course:   $185
4 hour interactive zoom course

This class will gently remind you of the stages of labor and medical interventions, but will mainly focus on coping strategies. Recommended at 25+ weeks for second time (and beyond) parents, who have birthed in the past 3 years.

2023 Dates:

email for upcoming dates

We also offer both workshops privately for a slightly higher fee. 


Participant Testimonials:

“Throughout my labor I tried to mentally tell myself that I was strong, capable and able to this.  I utilized different breathing techniques from class like rainbow breath and the hand breathing.  I also felt that you taught me to be more vocal to my doctors and nurses in the L&D room.  Lastly, I really think you helped my husband to realize how important his role was during and after my labor. So thank you!!!
– Julie W.

“The birthing class we took my first pregnancy was provided by the hospital and so clinical and medical focused.  This was such a contrast and exactly what we were looking for. We both left feeling empowered and Chris feels like he's prepared to be a more active participant than he was the last time around.”
– Megan L.

“All your tips were amazing especially the one not to exactly listen to staff! Lol they didn't want me standing but once I got a Chair to labor in and we could go to the bathroom I tried to stand and rock my hips. No one said anything because the monitor was fine! Pitocin sucks... but it allowed me to accomplish my dream of a VBAC. And same with your classes and tips!!!”
– Judith G.


Thanks so much Jacqui! We really enjoyed your class. We have gotten mixed responses when we say we're having a homebirth, so we were both a little hesitant at first, but felt very encouraged and validated by your perspective. I had already read a lot about homebirth and watched some birth videos on youtube, but it was a totally different experience getting to walk through a class as a couple. I'm so glad we signed up for your class and that Ronnie and I had the opportunity to practice and talk about various support methods. We hadn't communicated much about what labor might look like and we both felt your class opened that dialogue in a meaningful way. All of the other classes I looked into were such a massive time/financial commitment, so it was awesome to find something that fit into our schedule and didn't gloss over homebirth.
- Megan


Lactation Support

